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When you're looking to buy a new set of tungsten darts you'll be pleased to know that all Dragon Darts tungsten ranges are developed to meet the needs of the Worlds Top Darts Professionals. When it comes to buying darts online Dragons Match Weighed Darts will give you total confidence in what you're buying as it's scientifically proven to give far better grouping, and therefore higher scoring.
The Dragon series of Match Weighed Tungsten darts are accurate to within 0.1 of a gram, so you can be sure that every throw is as precise as the last.

Unlike the majority of Tungsten Darts companies Dragon enjoys complete control over its raw material and darts production that enables an unrivalled methodology for Match Weighed selection.

The Dragon process takes place in four phases: Raw Material Selection, Billet Evaluation, Tooling tolerance and post-manufacture Tungsten Barrel Weighing.

The Raw Material Phase involves setting precise tolerances, defining requirements with constant batch material tests resulting in the worlds finest pre-sintered Tungsten Powder.

The Billet evaluation phase involves rating Tungsten billet performance, weighing them against tight tolerances before selection for use in actual dart manufacture to deliver consistently excellent machined darts, when individually weighed are matched within 0.1 gram of the set they are sold in.

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